Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter!!!

The Lord has risen! Hallelujah!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Congrats to the Newest Batch of Professional Teachers!

The First Goddesses in their

Victory Celebration

My first group of deities- Eloisa, Roan, Marifaye, Rheina, Heidy and Erika

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hail to the New Deities

Welcome to Mythology Class '09-'10
Karissa, April, Kim, Nina,
Jordan, Roland, Rhem and EJ!
Be ready for a new lit adventure...
Enjoy reading and share more
interesting times with everyone!
Good Luck!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Where's Eris?

Part I. The Origin

Are you familiar with the story "The Judgment of Paris?" 

Few people knew that it was Eris, the goddess of discord & strife who really started it all. She threw a golden apple to the room where the wedding feast for Peleus and Thetis was going on. She must be upset then for being not one in the guests list... poor girl! But the apple she has thrown was not just a gift for the newly-wed, perhaps it was designed to call everyone's attention. The apple has an inscription "to the fairest" that has surely caught all the maidens' fascination and desire of having such a wonderful title. (It's probably greater than those internationally-acclaimed titles in the beauty pageant nowadays!)

Everyone's aspiring to bring home the apple. The enthusiasts include Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Of course, the three got into the short list. Now, the question is-"Who's the lucky one?"

Confused of indecision, the three goddesses went to the authority-- to Zeus! He must choose among them "the fairest one".

Could it be Hera, his ever-jealous wife? or Athena, his favorite daughter? or must be Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty? (Careful, Zeus! You're in great trouble!)

Zeus has never been so witty this time, he sent them to Mt. Ida to see a shepherd boy and do the job for him. Zeus knew that this young man will not leave them unsatisfied because of his very nature. A mortal boy to decide among the great goddesses of Olympus.... that must be something! The three aspirants will no longer push him to decide against his will. Afterall, each one is indispensable. (
Zeus is no doubt the most prudent one, "The Supreme". He knows just when to make himself less culpable.)

Part II. Alexander

He is the young Prince of Troy, brother to Hector and the youngest son of King Priam. He is famously known as Paris. A handsome young man. He is the excellent judge as how Zeus called him, to end the bout of the three goddesses who vied for "the fairest one".

Paris was tending his father's sheep when Hermes together with the goddesses Hera, Aphrodite and Athena appeared. (He must be very surprised then!) He was at this field due to a certain prophesy that he would cause the fall of his father's kingdom. In order to spare Troy he was left to die in Mt. Ida near Troy (when he was still a baby), but there he was saved by the nymphs. Later on, Agelaus took him and brought him up. Eventually he grew with beauty and intelligence, was trained in different skills, became "defender of men" where he got his name Alexander, and enjoyed life with the lovely nymph Oenone who became his first wife.

Aware that this mortal could be their last resort, the three goddesses made their own ways to get Paris' vote. Hera promised him of lordship over Europe and Asia while Athena would make him lead Troy in their victory against Greeks, (hhmnn...sounds convincing...) but Aphrodite laid the most interesting one to his ears - she would give Paris the most beautiful woman in the world! (I wonder how the goddess of love made her provocative voice become part of this plan that could have tickled Paris' mind!)

Finally, Paris gave the verdict.

And the winner is... Aphrodite! (congrats!)

III. Fist of Defeat

As always, not all losers are able to take things calmly or rejoice over a disgusting misfortune. What's more difficult to accept, somehow, is the pain of humiliation when you believe that you truly deserve to win over the others. That's how Hera and Athena felt regarding Paris' judgment in favor of Aphrodite. Not mindful of the worst consequences of his actions, Paris fled to Sparta to see that most beautiful woman with the wise goddess of love. He left the two losers in great frustration without thinking that these two Olympians won't just sit back and relax after the heated competition. ( I smell revenge!)

The next thing happened unravels the wrath of few more characters which makes this story more explicable.

The following events may be familiar to all-- "The Trojan War" succeeded by "The Fall of Troy". It all began when Paris was captivated by the beauty of Helen, the  woman whom Aphrodite promised to be his wife. He was mesmerized by her beauty, enchanted by her looks. He has not seen anyone like her before, a real stunner! Aphrodite is true... She truly is the most beautiful woman in the world! (No regrets.)

But the wrath of Athena and Hera is something to watch out for! Paris must have forgotten that these two unfortunate ones are not planning to get mad but to get even. And that is evident when Troy was left unaided in the midst of the Greeks' attack.

When Paris fell in love with Helen and abducted her, Helen was already married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. That has started the siege of Troy. The Greek fleet was set to bring Helen back . That's where the idea "the face that launched a thousand ships" came from. Paris and Helen started the 10-year war (or more) between the Greeks and the Trojans.

Achilles headed the Greeks and brought angst to Troy. The oracle of Paris did come true! Because of his unfortunate judgment, Paris paved the way to his kingdom's destruction. He has angered Athena and Hera. He is not going to get anymore help from them. They will do much to create chaos to the unfavored immortals. (Unlucky Troy!)

Athena favored the Greeks. Hera made it more difficult for Troy to get away from their predicament. This must be the their idea of revenge. When Paris hit Achilles by his heel (his vulnerable part) that had caused his immediate death, the agony of the Trojans did not end yet. Athena helped Odysseus to continue the Greeks' combat and went home triumphant against the Trojans.

Aphrodite and Ares sided with the Trojans but were not able to salvage the ruined city from the angered gods. No chance, not at all. The city once known for its prosperity and power becomes a devastated kingdom of Troy.

This is what destiny is all about. And it's all because of Helen... because of Paris... because of Aphrodite... or maybe because of the golden apple which made them all go crazy.

But how about Eris... Is she not part of the blame?
Where's Eris anyway? After doing her part, what happened to her? Is this all her game?

The goddess of discord and strife was a big part of this tragedy. Yet, many of us are just focusing on the beings who made this myth more interesting. Look on the other angle, find her character in your senses and realize her importance in this story.

Eris is not just a by-stander. Eris is not just a fire-starter. Eris is everywhere. She is anyone of us who throws an apple of discord to bring malicious aspiration. To cast stones of imperfection. To create mental dispute and frustration. Or just to find pleasure in throwing irresistible destruction.

You might be today's Athena, today's Hera, or today's Aphrodite. Or probably, you are the new Paris of today's history.

BUT whatever character you play at this point in time,

BE NOT the new Eris!

OTHERWISE, there is a new apple to be released and the search for "the fairest one" will continue to exist.

What do you think? Share it :-)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cheers to the good life!

Here's what
I've got
from Kenneth's
creative hands...

God bless our land!
Long live

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the secret of real happiness

Love is the only rule.
Love conquers all.

Share your love
to the world!!!

world Lit Class
2nd sem  2008

achilles of peace


the place is cool
the road is clear

angels do tread
where devils breathe fear.

But blasphemy is power
and honesty is deceit

the joy of today
is tomorrow's grief.

Should anyone care
about the culprit?

or let no one dare
to think about it.

To live a pursued life
grown in a battlefield

is the sweetness of terror
in the triumph of defeat.

In this place where
everything is vulnerable

with few rules to take
and few guts to ponder

the sword of wisdom
shall always declare:

"Rule the world,Troy
make it real...

or do the impossible
and strike one's heel."

Your servant

My photo
very interested in real and good people